Question for those who are stented - British Heart Fou...

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Question for those who are stented

Lupa87 profile image
20 Replies


I'm sure this has been asked several times but I've had a look and cant find an answer on here.

In January 2023 I was stented due to a blocked LAD artery. My other arteries were healthy and fine and the blockage was believed to be caused from a clot due to Antiphospholipid syndrome.

My question.

Does anyone get any sensations in the chest or left arm jaw years down the line. Im not talking about pain as such or anything near as what brought me to hospital. But if under the weather or tired does anyone get "echoes" of the pain they felt, or a scratchy sensation where the stent would be. I had a stress test in September 2023 which was fine so no restenosis, but I was wondering if anyone else every felt those unusual feelings.

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Lupa87 profile image
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20 Replies
MrsNails profile image

Hi, l had my Stent fitted on 5th January this year, apart from the fact l can breath more easily, my Angina has disappeared & l can walk further, its totally unremarkable, l can’t feel it or am aware of any sensation 🙏🏼

I really thought l’d be able to feel it somehow - but nothing.

Do you have a telephone number to ring for any queries? I’m sure you’ll get many replies on here.

Hope all improves soon.


AlfredV profile image

I too had a single blockage fixed with a stent. My expectation was I'd be feeling normal after a few weeks. The reality was that after a few weeks I still couldn't walk more than 10 yards without chest pain, and it was around 18 months before I experienced a whole day completely free of chest pain. Unfortunately it is different for all of us.

Nunk profile image
Nunk in reply to AlfredV

I had 3 stents Alfred with barely any pain, I hope you can feel that way soon.

AlfredV profile image
AlfredV in reply to Nunk

I'm okay now. After 18 months things really settled down and I rarely experience chest pain now. Why it took that long I have no idea.

Dancerama profile image
Dancerama in reply to AlfredV

I'm glad I read that today, hope you're still ok, I had a single stent about 8 months ago, and have had angina ever since, good to hear it eventually settled down for you, there may be hope for me yet.

Sljp0000 profile image

Hi Lupa87

I had 4 stents in Feb 23 in 4 arteries, 2 of which were in a blocked LAD. I still get random pains in my chest, arm, back of throat. They are not as specific as I had before, nothing bad, but just enough to worry me.

Last week I had my 4th invasive angiogram. My stents are working well. I do still have blocked diagonal arteries but was told they are too dangerous to stent with the positions of my others stents. I was also told the blockages are not life threatening.

The Cardiologist said because I've been through so much I've become very sensitive to every little pain and feeling (I had failed bypass surgery).

If tests show you are fine I would assume that is what is happening to you. Our minds can work overtime after such a worrying amd stressful time.

My GP prescribed me some Diazapan to try now and again. If I have a bad day I take a very small dose. If the pains go I know it's anxiety. Also, does GTN get rid of the pain? If like me the pains are too fleeting to take GTN then it's probably nothing.

Try and relax knowing your stent is working well. If the pains get worse on exertion you know what to do.

Take care, Susie.

Lupa87 profile image
Lupa87 in reply to Sljp0000


I actually don't have the need for a GTN so its probably fine as you say. It is usually when tired ir under the weather so it's probably the mind working overtime. I think I look into every ache and pain now as a potential sign which im hoping will go away with time!

Thankyou for the replys its all very different isnt it.

BaronFrankenstein profile image

I can walk 26 miles in a week, do an hour of demanding exercises every couple of days and not feel any discomfort or pain.

Yet if I have a long day where im up from 6 til 11 say or have to do a lot of mentally demanding work, i can get dull aches in my chest and pains in my wrist and hand like i had during my HA. Like you said, nowhere as severe though, but they can be an unpleasant reminder of the event.

Lupa87 profile image
Lupa87 in reply to BaronFrankenstein

This is exactly like me, i can do exercise and feel no issues, a few kate nights ir long work days and its there. Strange!

BaronFrankenstein profile image
BaronFrankenstein in reply to Lupa87

I think there is a difference between feeling just tired and fatigue. I feel tired after some exercise but otherwise ok. But when im fatigued that is when i get the discomfort and shooting pains in my wrist and hand.

Its like therea good tired and bad tired. Fatigue is your body telling you you have overdone it that day.

iansHealth1 profile image

Interesting post and replies (as this forum always has).

I’ve got a stent after a nasty ‘widowmaker’ HA back in Oct 22 and after a terrible few months where I couldn’t walk the length of a hospital bed without assistance, I now exercise every day and walk 10k every day.

However, I do get chest ‘pain’ which is more a discomfort and a million miles from the initial pain I had during the HA. I often wonder - usually after putting the oximeter and BP cuff on and finding all normal - that most of these pains are psychological.

Lupa87 profile image
Lupa87 in reply to iansHealth1

I wonder the same, how many little niggles did we ignore and perhaps now we are hyper aware to everything. Its interesting ti see many people with the simmiler stories, a testament to the forum i surpose.

Im very greatful for the feedback!

Stent2024 profile image
Stent2024 in reply to Lupa87

I too was stented in January, very paranoid about the stent blocking and aware of any niggles and aches , but I’m doing more excercise now , haven’t needed the gtn spray at all , and can move quite well without being breathless , so assume the stent is doing the job it’s meant to do . It may be different for me as they say I hadn’t had HA , it was picked up on investigation for angina . Started cardiac rehab last week and it’s fantastic for the confidence . If you get a chance to do it , I strongly recommend you give it a go . Good luck with your journey

Indygo4 profile image

Hi Lupa

The timing of your post for me is good as I am fighting with myself just now as to whether what I’m experiencing at the moment, is significant chest pain or psychological. I think it’s a mixture of both as I have started using my gtn. The pain isn’t there every time I exert myself or go out in the cold.

I have 2 stents, one in left main stem (done a year ago) and one in the lad artery (done in 2021, but failed and had to be re-done last year).

I went to gp, and I’m being referred back to cardiology.

I am still working (home carer) and I asked my boss if I could avoid going to places where I have to do physical tasks like getting coal in from outdoors etc, she wasn’t sympathetic. I am scared, but at the same time thinking, what if it’s all in my head. I’m not sure what to do.

Thank you for posting. It’s good to know I’m not the only one.

K9ndo profile image

It’s good to share, guess we are all looking for posts similar to our own situation. Me 68 year old, single stent to LAD six months ago. Slowly crept up on me but at the time put it down to aging process. The Stent process was painless albeit worrying at the time but has been transformational for me. I would class myself very fit for my age, walking 25miles a week typically, playing badminton started jogging and just completed a park run again. I don’t have any issues or pain, just worry about pushing myself too hard. I do get a few post exercise aches but just put that down to my age. Trying to keep exercise heart rate as advised by rehab nurses but it does go over top a few times. Never needed GTN spray. I guess we all have heightened sensitivity about symptoms coming back or creeping up again.

Harefieldfan profile image

hi. I have 2 stents, inserted in 2021, one via rotablation (drilling) as the LAD was too clogged with calcium. I’ve had no problems as far as I know. Wish you the same!

Avagra profile image

HA and stent Oct ‘22 and still get little left chest twinges and random zaps but nothing like heart attack pain.

Qualipop profile image

Not here. Had two s tents (Not in LAD) 5 years ago now and wouldn't even know they we re there. I'm now hoping and waiting for a CT scan t o see whether two other quite bad blockages have got any worse. I can't do a stress test because of spinal probelms.

Herestous profile image

Hello, I had 3 stents April last year. I had jaw pain before the stents & after ecchos as you do. I hardly get them now but the occasional chest ache when I'm tired. Have a chat with one of your team. My consultant said he wasn't worried which made me feel better but everyone is different. I do hope you get it sorted. Thanks for the question as now I know there are folk out there same as me. Best wishes.

Treeclimber62 profile image

Hello I had my HA nearly 15 years ago rad two stents fitted I'm 70 now still work in landscaping and fencing two days a angina comes and hoes it starts usual if I've been sat down a while and go for a walk it's not very severe but I can feel it in the middle of my chest if I stop it to stops if I spray with my gtn it goes .it doent happen all the time if I'm working and I work hard it doesn't bother me at all I laid 6 tonne of stone a few days ago and the week before mixed several tonne of concrete, but if a sometimes go for a short walk it starts .I've told my cardio doctor but he made no comment he actually discard me saying I no longer needed it

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